Political Activism and Street Protest Photography
Early in my career as an Austin documentary photographer, AIDs came to town. Our lives were turned around. Death surrounded us, tragedy was everywhere we looked. At that point activism took me into the streets with my camera. We had to fight to live. Much of my career since has been documenting Austin's protest movements and the people fighting for change. My photography captures social justice activism which may be out of favor, but it's been a driving force in my life and work throughout Austin.
Anti-Trump Rally
Bernie Sander's run for President
Gay March, Austin, Texas, 1997
Austin Justice Coalition Rally
Vigil following the Pulse Nightclub shooting
Antifa gathers at a Trump Resistence Rally
Pro Trump Rally
Black Lives Matter demo, Austin, Texas
National Guard at the Texas Capitol
Bridgit Bandit, Drag Queen Acitivist
BLM Rally
The Execution of Gary Graham
Black Lives Matter demostration
Austin Police Department response to BLM Highway Shutdown
Whitney Mitchell, widow of activist Garrett Foster, at the memorial where he was shot on Congress Ave.
Trump Visits Austin
The Big Gay Wedding
Black Lives Matter
Vigil following the murder of another gay man in East Texas
Republican Convention, Houston
Equality March
Gay Pride, Apple Contingent
Queer Joy
Queer March, Texas State Capitol
March on Washington, Opening of the AIDs Quilt
Black Lives Matter
Republican Convention, Houston
Republican Convention, Houston
Anti-Globalization rally
Black Lives Matter Highway Shutdown