Quinciñearas take the Texas State Capitol
One of the most brilliant demonstrations I’ve seen, and I’ve seen many, was the recent takeover of the Texas State Capitol by 15 fifteen-year-olds in Quinciñeara dresses to protest SB4, the “show me your papers” law in Texas.

The endless protests and demonstrations following the inauguration of President Trump bring the same images, no matter what the issue. Quinciñearas brought a visual element of Mexican culture to the struggle for immigrant rights.

Drugs of choice differ. Some snort, some shoot, some drink. Everyone's on the hustle.

First, the girls performed traditional dances.

They took the stance of the Statue of Liberty, and "Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddles masses, yearning to be free" was read

Jennifer Ramirez as the Statue of Liberty.


Si Se Puede!

Fifteen year-old Julia Pierce speaks to the crowd.

Alexandra Lopez and the girls head for legislative offices to lobby against the bill.

Into the Capitol for Direct Contact with their Legislators

Alexandra Lopez enters the office of Representative Senfronia Thompson.

Alexandra Lopez delivers a flower to the staff of Representative Senfronia Thompson, who has worked to defeat SB4.

Just fifteen year-olds, but newly minted activists.